Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Committee

This committee will take a multi-disciplinary approach to mental health and substance abuse issues in our community, drawing on expertise in various fields: doctors and other health care providers, counselors, teachers, parents and siblings of individuals with a history of substance abuse, recovering addicts and alcoholics, law enforcement, face based community representatives, and providers of substance abuse treatment. This is not an all-inclusive list; this Committee will cooperate with all existing resources in our community to attempt to eradicate this most serious scourge.

The Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Committee that shall be comprised of members of various fields including, but not limited to doctors, other health care providers, counselors, teachers, parents and siblings of individuals with a history of substance abuse, recovering addicts and alcoholics, law enforcement, faith based community representatives, and providers of substance abuse treatment, and others as deemed appropriate by the Town Board. Members shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the Board.

Meeting dates and times will be determined once members are appointed to the committee.