Supervisor Slater Welcomes Dr. Michael Ford Tonight at 6 PM

04/09/20 - Dr. Michael Ford, a primary care internist with NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group Hudson Valley, will join Supervisor Matt Slater during his Coronavirus Update tonight. The update can be viewed Live on Optimum Channel 20, FiOS Channel 33, on the town website's Live meeting feed, and on Facebook Live at 6 p.m.

Dr. Ford, whose practice is in Sleepy Hollow, is an assistant attending physician at NewYork-Presbyterian and assistant professor of medicine in the department of internal medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine. Dr. Ford lives in Dobbs Ferry and he has published his bacteriology research in several medical journals.

“Social distancing has caused many medical practices to stop seeing patients for anything but emergencies, so I invited Dr. Ford to have a live conversation with me about telemedicine,” said Supervisor Slater. “This broadcast is intended to help residents determine how they can meet their routine healthcare needs through remote medical visits.”

WHAT: Telemedicine discussion with Dr. Michael Ford and Supervisor Matt Slater
WHEN: Thursday, April 9 at 6 PM
WHERE: Optimum Channel 20
FiOS Channel 33
Town Website Live Feed (same as TV broadcast)
Town of Yorktown Facebook Page

Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or