Acme Moderna Vaccine Clinic at the Capellini Center Monday 3/22

From the desk of Supervisor Matt Slater:

On Monday, March 22nd our partners from Acme will be holding another Moderna vaccine clinic at Albert A. Capellini Community & Cultural Center.

Registration is required by clicking here:

Those eligible include:

  1. I am age 60 years of age or older and I reside in New York State.
  2. I am 18 to 64 years old with chronic medical conditions that resides in New York.
  3. I am a teacher as defined below that lives in New York state and can provide proof of employment

Definition of Teachers: Teachers, school staff, and child-care workers are defined as: those who work in pre-primary, primary, and secondary schools, as well as Head Start and Early Start programs (including teachers, staff and bus drivers) and those who work as or for licensed child care providers, including center-based and family care providers. 

The Town of Yorktown does anticipate another clinic later next week. Information will be shared when it is confirmed and staff will be calling through the standby list to schedule for available appointments.

Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact Town Hall at 914-962-5722 Ext. 200.