Fluoridation Announcement

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (HHS), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the American Dental Association and other leading public health authorities continue to recommend optimal community water fluoridation as a significant health benefit. Yorktown Consolidated Water District has added fluoride since the early 1980’s to reduce the incidence of tooth decay in our community. The goal of community water fluoridation is to achieve the desired oral health benefit while minimizing potential health risks. That is why water providers undergo thorough and extensive training to safely apply fluoride in the amount recommended by the world’s most respected public health authorities. The proposed recommendations properly take into account new scientific data and recognize that water is now one of many sources of fluoride. We add fluoride in the amount recommended by the leading health authorities and in a manner consistent with established best practices. The Yorktown Consolidated Water District is aware of the proposed HHS recommendations and will review our processes in light of the final recommendation. We will also pay close attention to regulatory developments and stand ready to respond.           Other helpful resources:      Background on HHS propsed recommendation                          http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2011pres/01/pre_pub_frn_fluoride.html      American Dental Association statement                                                                                                http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ada-applauds-hhs-action-on-recom...      Centers for Disease Control (CDC) information on fluoridation                                                  http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/index.htm      AWWA Fluoride Resources                                                                                                     http://www.awwa.org/Resources/topicspecific.cfm?ItemNumber=30949&navItem...      DC on Tap blog entry from AWWA Deputy Executive Director Tom Curtis                                 http://www.awwa.org/Government/DConTapPost.cfm?ItemNumber=55970      Drinktap.org Consumer Information on Fluoridation    http://www.drinktap.org/consumerdnn/Home/WaterInformation/Fluoridation/t...       For questions please contact the Yorktown Consolidated Water District at 914-245-6111 or e-mail us at water@yorktownny.org