Westchester Loves to Read

Dear Parents and Guardians of Westchester County Students Grades Pre-K through 5th grade:

In an effort to promote reading at a young age, I am proud to announce the second year of the “Westchester Loves to Read” initiative. Open to students County-wide in grades pre-k through 5th Grade, this reading incentive initiative asks students read at least 300 minutes per month from October to April. This equates to roughly 10 minutes a day. Students that successfully check off each box and return the completed log to Communications@Westchestergov.com will receive a free to pass to Playland Park’s Opening Day in May 2020. It’s as simple as that. Read. Log. Win.

Attached to this letter is a log where students and guardians can mark each completed month. In order to receive the student’s free pass, submit completed log to Communications@westchestergov.com

For any questions, contact the Communications Department at my office at Communications@WestchesterGov.com or call (914) 995-2900.

I am truly looking forward to seeing all of the winning logs come in and seeing you all at Playland!

George Latimer
County Executive

Westchester Loves to Read