Yorktown 9/11 Ceremony will be Public and Virtual

Yorktown’s annual 9/11 commemoration will be held outdoors, online and on television. The September 11 event is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. at the Yorktown 9/11 monument next to the John C. Hart Memorial Library at 1130 East Main Street in Shrub Oak.

Five Yorktown residents died in the terrorist attack. The commemoration ceremony will be simultaneously webcast on the town’s Facebook page. Yorktown officials are also preparing a pre-recorded commemoration that will air on September 11 on the town’s cable access channel. The pre-recorded commemoration is expected to run on cable access throughout the day.

“After careful consideration, we have decided to hold a safe, socially distanced public event for those willing to wear masks who want to gather with others to remember our neighbors lost on September 11, 2001,” said Supervisor Matt Slater.

“We also recognize that there are many residents who might want to participate but cannot compromise their health by leaving their homes, so we have arranged for a virtual option.”