Yorktown Cracks Down on Litter Bugs

A Yorktown camera captured an image of the suspected dumper in a rented vehicle. Courtesy Town of Yorktown.

Peekskill man faces fine for illegal dumping

Yorktown Police arrested a Peekskill man for illegally dumping furniture on a public street.

Christopher Curry, 41, of 120 Wells St., was arrested Sunday at police headquarters and charged with a town code violation. He was accused of leaving a large, broken desk at the end of Decatur Road on February 20. If found guilty, Curry faces a fine up to $10,000. The Town Court has scheduled a hearing for Curry on April 13 at 4 p.m.

Supervisor Matt Slater said illegal dumping is an offense against all of Yorktown.

“Our residents and employees work hard to keep our neighborhoods clean and beautiful. The Town Board invested in more litter cameras, which proved to be essential in this particular crime and should send a strong message to anyone thinking about disrespecting our community in this way. Our police and code enforcers will go to great lengths to prosecute anyone suspected of this crime,” said Supervisor Matt Slater.

To raise awareness about littering and dumping, the Town Board issued a letter to commercial property owners on March 12th reminding them that everyone plays a role in eliminating blight by properly maintaining properties. Resident Dan Strauss has been a vocal advocate for holding commercial property owners accountable for the state of their parking lots.

“The Town Code empowers our Building Department to enforce these important laws. There are substantial fines associated with non-compliance, which have and which will be imposed,” stated the letter from the Town Board.

A copy of the March 12 letter is attached.

Photo caption: A Yorktown camera captured an image of the suspected dumper in a rented vehicle. Courtesy Town of Yorktown.