Yorktown Officials to Announce Reopening Strategy

On Thursday business leaders and town officials will discuss their plan to prepare Yorktown for reopening.

Members of the Reboot Yorktown taskforce—including Supervisor Matt Slater, the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce and the Yorktown Small Business Association—have proposed a number of ideas to help the town’s economy recover from the March New York State on Pause order that shuttered most businesses.

Some of the taskforce’s ideas have already been adopted by town officials, including expedited permitting processes that allow restaurants and stores to serve their customers on sidewalks or parking lots throughout the summer. Previously, obtaining a permit for outdoor dining or sidewalk sales required a lengthy application to the Planning Board. Now the Building Department can quickly issue the permits.

Reboot Yorktown’s members will also discuss their ideas on revising local regulations in order to attract new commerce, housing and investment in the coming decade.

Who: Supervisor Matt Slater and the Reboot Yorktown taskforce to discuss reopening the town
Where: Genesis Jewelers, 32 Triangle Center, Yorktown Heights
When: Thursday, May 14, at noon
Why: Westchester County may soon comply with the state’s requirements for a gradual reopening of businesses

Contact:  Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or mslater@yorktownny.org