Maple Weekend Pancake Breakfasts at the Yorktown Grange

Yorktown Grange Fair Maple Weekend Pancake Breakfasts

Celebrate New York State Maple Syrup!

Savor a delicious breakfast and support local agriculture with Local Maple Syrup and fresh tasty bacon & sausage from area farms. After breakfast tour their display of antique tractors and enjoy a Hay Ride. It's a great early Spring outing for the whole family!! 

Dates: March 18, 19, 25, 26
Seatings: 9, 10 & 11 am
Admission: Adults - $25.00
Children 3-12 - $15.00
Children under 3 Free

Fundraiser benefits the Yorktown Grange Agricultural Society, a 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to preserving Westchester’s agricultural heritage and to supporting the Yorktown Grange family-oriented entertainment and educational programs. 

Reserve your seats now!