Yorktown Police Department Chief of Police Robert M. Noble Announces the First Responders Resident Alert Registry

First Responders Resident Alert Registry

Yorktown Police Department Chief of Police Robert M. Noble announces the implementation of the First Responders Resident Alert Registry.  This program is one of the first in New York State.
What is the First Responders Resident Alert Registry and why was it created?

The First Responders Alert Registry is a unique plan to assist the Town of Yorktown residents with special needs in emergency situations. The goal of this program is to reduce emotional trauma, fear and conflict when first responders have contact with special needs residents by providing responders with essential information before arriving.

Police agencies are constantly seeking to improve relationships with the special needs community, whose members may be more likely to be misunderstood or injured during law enforcement actions. This voluntary and secure database contains personal information about individuals with special needs, such as diagnoses or communication preference and will help law enforcement officers respond more effectively to situations involving individuals with special needs.
How does the First Responders Resident Alert Registry work?

This is a 100% voluntary program. To register for the First Responders Alert Registry, an individual must complete the First Responders Alert Registry Form and submit it to the Yorktown Police Department, either in person, by mail or the YPD website. It is recommended that a photograph of the person with special needs or a disability is included with the registry form. Parents and caregivers may enroll a person of any age with any type of medical condition or disability, including but not limited to: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alzheimer’s or Dementia, Bipolar Disorder and Down Syndrome. Adults with Disabilities may also enroll themselves. The personal information contained in this registry will remain confidential. It will only be used to help an individual in the event of an emergency. It will not be used or result in the alteration or change in standard Police, Fire, or EMS emergency procedures. We will keep all personal information registered in our First Responders’ secure files, until asked to remove it.

When a Police Officer has contact with a person listed on a First Responders Alert Registry, Yorktown Police Communications can provide officers with the information needed to better interact and communicate with the resident in need, as well as provide the officer with the person’s contact information. It is the responsibility of the Yorktown Police Department Staff Division to monitor the incoming registry forms and log that personal information into our Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System. The name and address of the resident, as well as information about their special needs will be added to the Alert Tab in our CAD system.

In order to sign-up for the First Responders Resident Alert Registry, please visit the Yorktown Police Department website at www.yorktownpd.org.