Yorktown will Reopen Town Hall, Library and Senior Nutrition Center

Due to a falling threat of Covid-19 infection, Yorktown will reopen Town Hall, the John C. Hart Memorial Library and the Senior Nutrition Center for in-person visits on January 24.

“Our online Covid-19 dashboard shows a d​ramatic decline in new cases over the past week, just as we have seen statewide,” said Supervisor Matt Slater. “This very positive trend allows us to responsibly reopen our public buildings and programs. We expect our visitors to exercise respectful vigilance and follow our rules for entering municipal spaces.”

According to Yorktown’s online Covid-19 tracker, new cases fell to 49 on January 18, a significant decline from the Town’s all-time high of 599 new cases on January 2. In adherence with Gov. Kathy Hochul’s executive order, masks are required at all times in municipal buildings.

“Our library is an essential resource for many children and adults who rely on our computers, Wi-Fi and reference materials as well as books, so we are very happy to resume in-door service. Porch pickup will continue to be available on request by calling the library,” said library director Yvonne Cech.

Yorktown suspended access to municipal buildings on December 21 in response to rising Covid-19 infections attributed to the omicron variant. Throughout that time, the Town’s services continued online and by phone.

“The closure of our Senior Nutrition Program did not stop our staff from serving our clients. We continued delivering meals and checking on the welfare of our elderly,” said senior services director Noreen O’Driscoll. “Nonetheless, there are important social and mental-health benefits to our in-person services.”

Recreational programming will also resume at the Albert A. Capellini Community and Cultural Center including welcoming back individual senior clubs in February.

Contact:  Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or mslater@yorktownny.org