Tropical Storm Henri Update

Tropical Storm Henri Update from Supervisor Matt Slater, Highway Superintendent Dave Paganelli and Yorktown Police Chief Robert Noble:

Hurricane season is upon us. Below is the latest trajectory from the National Weather Service. While Yorktown remains just outside the famed "cone of uncertainty" it is important to note that the storm's path has shifted west meaning closer to Yorktown.

Town officials are keeping a close eye on this and have been in touch with both utility companies. Proper preparation is key and we encouage everyone to stock up on some of the essentials so no one is left in a dire predicament.

This is would be a great time to share any information regarding homebound seniors with us. Please utilize the link below and this will help us properly communicate with the utility companies about our most vulnerable neighbors should there be a power outage.

As always, we will keep you apprised if there is a change in conditions and if you need us we're always here. Stay safe.

Henri Storm Track