Yorktown will Invest $1.9 Million in Water Meter Upgrades

(May 13, 2022) — Yorktown will restart a long-stalled water meter replacement program.

On Tuesday, the Town Board voted to borrow $1.9 million to replace about 5,000 antiquated residential water meters.

“We’re tackling projects that have been languishing for years and we’re getting them done,” said Supervisor Matt Slater. “This improvement will benefit residents by ensuring that their water usage is recorded accurately.”

Yorktown began replacing half of the approximately 10,000 residential water meters in 2011 until the effort halted in 2016. Water meters typically function well for about 20 years before they begin to have accuracy issues. About half the Town’s meters are older than 20 years.

Town officials also decided to seek new bids to reline cement water mains. According to Water Superintendent Ken Rundle, Yorktown has not performed water relining since the late 80s.

Contact:  Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or mslater@yorktownny.org