Yorktown Issues Emergency Orders

Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater issued three emergency orders Saturday to address the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community. The orders are:

  1. All owners and managers of residential buildings within Yorktown with more than six dwelling units, as well as all homeowners associations, condominium boards and cooperative boards in Yorktown must provide town officials with reliable emergency contact information. The information should be sent to jbelcastro@yorktownny.org by 5 p.m. on March 18 in the following format: building address, full name, telephone number and email address of a primary and secondary emergency contact person.
  2. All permits and licenses issued by the town to door-to-door peddlers and solicitors are suspended.
  3. All entities that provide home health aide services within Yorktown shall ensure that their home health aides are screened for warning signs of COVID-19 and cleared before beginning any new assignments in Yorktown.

The full text of the orders will be linked below. The orders are issued in accordance with the declaration of a local emergency made on Friday.

The declaration of a local state of emergency gives the town supervisor the authority to issue emergency orders that could include curfews, regulating movement into and out of certain areas and ordering public places closed, among other powers.

“These orders are issued in consultation with local emergency responders and the director of the senior nutrition center after concerns were raised about the safety of our senior residents. That’s why we’re addressing them,” said Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater. “I’m strongly urging that the management of the Beaver Ridge and Windwood Oaks senior housing complexes adhere to the state government’s orders regarding visitation restrictions for nursing homes by limiting visits to essential personnel, or by helping seniors relocate to family members’ homes.”

Contact: Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or mslater@yorktownny.org