Yorktown Sets Deadline for Golf Course Opening

(September 9, 2022) – The Town Board voted Tuesday to set a November 15 deadline for the opening of a long-delayed municipal golf course.

RC Recreation Development must open the Town’s nine-hole Par 3 Golf Course for public use by November 15 or the Town will terminate the company’s concession agreement. RC Recreation Development has repeatedly provided Town officials with projected opening dates since it entered into an agreement to redevelop the golf course in 2014. Most recently the company’s representatives claimed that the golf course would open on July 4.

“Despite years of delays, the Town Board sought to work with this developer to advance this golf course’s completion,” said Supervisor Matt Slater. “Instead, we have received excuses and false promises while the developer or its employees violate our ordinances, including by having employees unlawfully live in this Town park and by operating without a proper building permit since 2019.”

On July 6 Town inspectors visited the golf course and found many violations, including:

  1. Exposed and unprotected kitchen wiring.
  2. Exposed and uncovered exterior electrical trenches.
  3. Unapproved material used as an electrical conduit for an exterior lamp post.
  4. An unpermitted recreational vehicle trailer.
  5. An unauthorized connection to the main water line servicing the Park (before the water meter).
  6. Incomplete bridges throughout the park without guardrails.

The Town Board also voted to advertise a request for proposals for the operation of the municipal golf course. The proposal deadline is September 29 at 3:30 p.m.

Contact:  Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or mslater@yorktownny.org