Yorktown Home Heating Oil Plan

Yorktown Heating Oil Plan




Phone Number

Buy Rite Fuel

1223 Lincoln Terrace
Peekskill, NY 10566

(914) 737-2200

Cheap Oil

100 Buckshollow Road
Mahopac, NY  10541

(845) 628-8389
Check Oil Co 701 North Division Street
Peekskill, NY 10566
(914) 736-6573

Direct Oil

10 St. Charles Street, Suite 9
Thornwood, NY  10594

(914) 495-3073

Economy Fuel

508 Highland Avenue
Peekskill, NY 10566

(914) 739-5590 (Peekskill)

Mahopac Fuel Oil Corp.

PO Box 470
Mahopac Falls, NY 10542-470

(845) 600-2100

Pal Petroleum

10 St. Charles Street, Suite 10
Thornwood, NY  10594

(914) 495-3423

Robison Oil *

500 Executive Blvd
Elmsford, NY 10523

(914) 345-5700

S & W Fuel

P.O. Box 3
Mohegan Lake, NY 10547  

(914) 293-7246


PO Box 393
Carmel, NY 10512

(877) 777-7861

* These companies offer both #2 fuel oil and bioheat products.

We will update this list as more companies join the plan.


  1. The Plan is open to residential customers only, and only applies to deliveries within the Town of Yorktown. Commercial customers may not participate in the Plan.
  2. The Town shall provide Members with a copy of the Plan and a list of participating home heating oil companies (hereinafter “Vendors”) on the day they join the Plan. Once a resident is a Member of the Plan, it is the Member’s responsibility to contact participating Vendors directly for the purchase and delivery of oil, and any and all other services. Under no circumstances shall the Town assist any Member in scheduling, obtaining and/or purchasing home heating oil.
  3. Vendors agree to provide oil to Members at approximately 40 cents over the daily wholesale price. Vendors further agree to guarantee that the Members’ reduced cost shall be lower than the Vendors’ available daily retail rate. Due to daily fluctuations in the price of home heating oil, Members should contact all Vendors to determine their daily rate. Members should also verify with Vendors, prior to delivery, the cost per gallon to be paid on the date of delivery.
  4. Members are encouraged to visit the Town's website, www.yorktownny.org, which shall provide regularly updated Plan information, including an updated list of participating Vendors. The Town shall not provide the wholesale price to Members directly. Anyone who contacts the Town regarding the daily cost will be directed to contact participating Vendors. The Town shall not provide any pricing information regarding the Plan other than the information provided on the Town website.
  5. Calls for delivery and all arrangements for payment shall be the responsibility of the Vendor and Member. At no time shall the Town be responsible for or be held liable to any Member or Vendor regarding service and/or payment pursuant to the Plan. The Town will not appropriate any public funds for the payment of oil.
  6. There shall be a minimum delivery requirement of 150 gallons per delivery per residence. Member agrees to pay a $25 surcharge for any delivery not totaling a minimum of 150 gallons. Members must pay on a COD basis. Member agrees to pay an additional fee for payment by credit card at the Vendor’s discretion, however, said rate shall not exceed 10 cents per gallon in addition to the daily Member rate. All deliveries must be paid in full by Member at the time of delivery.
  7. The Vendor shall use its best efforts to deliver oil to Members and/or render service to Members, when Vendor has agreed to provide service to a Member, within 24 hours of any call.
  8. While not required under the Plan, any Vendor which chooses to offer Members a Service Agreement, shall provide such services at a reduced rate, to be determined by the Vendor. Additionally, each Vendor shall (if such service is provided to Vendor’s other customers) provide Members simple energy audits or NYSERDA-sponsored energy audits when requested by Members at a nominal fee.