Rain Barrels

Rain Barrel

A rain barrel collects and stores rainwater from your rooftop which can be used for a variety of non-potable uses including: watering your indoor plants and outdoor landscape. Using a rain barrel is a great first step to healthier rivers and streams.

Rain barrels help slow down rain runoff so it can drain naturally into the ground. It also assists in keeping excess water out of sewer systems and keeps rain runoff from collecting pollutants (fertilizers, pet waste, salt, gas, oil, etc.) as it flows to nearby waterways.

You can buy or make a rain barrel. If you have a lot of plants to care for, consider linking several together to increase your storage capacity.

For more information on rain barrels go to: http://planning.westchestergov.com/rain-barrels

Infographic from Low Impact Development Center: http://www.lid-stormwater.net/raincist_specs.htm