Stormwater Initiative

In March of 2003, the New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC) under the direction of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) instituted Phase II of the stormwater program for towns such as Yorktown which were identified as “MS4’s”. An MS4 is a Municipality town which utilizes “Separate Storm Sewer Systems” to drain rain water and snow melt from roads, parking lots and other sources to receiving waters such as streams, lakes, wetlands and reservoirs.

The Town of Yorktown is permitted through NYSDEC and is responsible for the maintenance of Town owned Stormwater Systems, both open and closed as well as ensuring that all development taking place within the Town complies with NYSDEC regulations.

The Town of Yorktown, under the conditions of the NYSDEC permit is required to meet minimum standards in the following six different management practices:

  1. Public Education and Outreach
  2. Public Involvement
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
  5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management
  6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

The Town is required to submit an annual report to NYSDEC documenting the management methods that have been used to fulfill the required NYSDEC permit conditions. Click on the link below to view copies of the annual reports.

It is anticipated that the implementation of these management practices will result in cleaner water for drinking and recreational uses and provide substantial benefits to all water resources. As is the case with many “MS4’s” the Town of Yorktown is located in an area in which the stormwater pollutant phosphorous has been identified as a “pollutant of concern”. This means that the Town, in addition to implementing the above minimum measures must also attempt to reduce phosphorous runoff to our water resources and reservoirs. The links will provide additional information and there are brochures in Town Hall explaining the role of phosphorous as a pollutant and what we, as residents, can do to reduce phosphorous discharge.

If you have questions, the Town of Yorktown Stormwater Management Officer and contact person is Town Supervisor Matt Slater located in Town Hall at 363 Underhill Avenue and may be reached at (914) 962-5722 x200.